1. Central Japan Railway: Top Page
  2. About us
  3. Material Procurement Information
  4. Basic Philosophy of Material Procurement
  5. What is Required of Our Suppliers

Basic Philosophy of Material Procurement

What is Required of Our Suppliers

To realize the "Basic Philosophy of Material Procurement", JR Central principally demands, for example, following, as to the each item below of our suppliers:

1Procurement prioritizes the maintenance of safe and reliable transportation

  • Through awareness of safe and reliable transportation in the railway business

2Procurement of high quality materials

  • Efforts contributing to maintaining and improving quality
    (e.g. acquisition of ISO9001 certification)
  • Efforts for reducing weight and size as well as savings on maintenance
  • Efforts for improving quality together with JR Central
  • Proposals to JR Central for new technologies

3Procurement of materials at reasonable prices

  • Pursuit of cost reductions premised on safe and reliable transportation
  • Reductions in total cost including maintenance and management

4Suppliers possessing a supply system capable of strictly adhering to contractual deadlines

  • Strict adherence to contractual delivery deadlines for railway materials supporting safe and reliable transportation

5Suppliers capable of building a continuing and stable business relationship

  • Continuing supplies of materials
  • Provision of information and suggestions for substitutes when supply is not available

6Suppliers capable of supplying satisfactory after-sale care regardless of whether such service is needed during normal or emergency times

  • Reliable performance of maintenance and other after-sale care
  • Establishment of systems for prompt inspection, investigation and other such services to address initial defects, failures or malfunctions
    (e.g. dispatching technicians, analyzing the cause of a failure or malfunction, delivering replacement items, providing progress reports, etc.)

7Suppliers capable of adapting to diverse usage environments

  • Meticulously adapting to required specifications, which differ depending on usage environments

8Establishment of a satisfactory communication framework

  • Proactively providing proposals to JR Central for improving quality and reducing cost
  • Establishment of a relationship of trust with JR Central through communication
  • Establishment of internal framework for engaging in sufficient communication with JR Central

9Appropriate handling of information

  • Establishment of a system for managing important information (patent information, operation and maintenance information, etc.)

10Fair and equitable transactions

  • Expeditious submission of documentation required for material transactions
  • Active cooperation in technical tests, etc. required for material transactions

11Suppliers that give consideration to reducing the environmental burden

  • Proactive use of environmentally-friendly railway materials and packing materials
  • Extension of product life and reduction in maintenance
  • Promotion of development of energy-saving equipment and reduction in weight and size
  • Raising awareness of environmental management including the introduction of environmentally-conscious standards and programs
    (e.g. acquisition of ISO14000 certification)
  • Provision of information about material components, recycling, and disposal methods

12Compliance with relevant laws and regulations

  • Thorough compliance with laws and regulations
  • Respect for human rights
  • Rejection of relationships with anti-social forces

13Providing and updating website information on procurements

  • Understanding the information which JR Central provides