Our Goals to Achieve Net Zero Carbon Emissions
JR Central has been making efforts to preserve the global environment by further improving the energy efficiency of its railway operations, such as by lowering power consumption in rolling stock.
Additionally, we are working to further reduce CO₂ emissions in order to achieve 2050 net zero carbon emissions.
With the Japanese government’s policy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 as a precondition, the JR Central Group will pursue net zero carbon emission by 2050. With the same precondition, we will pursue 46% reduction by FY2030, relative to FY2013.
By pursuing above goals, we strive to further improve railway’s environmental superiority, as well as to help realize a sustainable society.
CO2 Emissions of the Group
Environmental superiority of railways
Climate change is an issue that should be addressed on a global scale. While it is regarded that CO₂ in particular has the largest impact among all greenhouse gases, railways have an outstanding characteristic of being highly energy efficient compared to other transportation modes and thus having minimal adverse impact on the global environment. Railways account for only 6% of CO₂ emissions despite undertaking 30% of Japan’s overall passenger transport volume. Compared to an aircraft (B777-200), the Tokaido Shinkansen (Series N700 “Nozomi”) consumes approximately one-eighth of the amount of energy per seat, and discharges about one-twelfth of the CO₂ emissions when traveling between Tokyo and Osaka. The data shows that the Tokaido Shinkansen has overwhelming environmental superiority. JR Central believes that having as many passengers as possible opt to use railway services, which have a smaller environmental impact compared to other modes of transport, will mitigate the load placed on the environment across the entire Transportation section and contribute to global environment preservation.
Distribution of Passenger Transportation Share, in terms of Transportation Volume, Energy Consumption, and CO₂ Emissions
* The totals for items in the breakdown may not be 100% due to rounding.
For transportation volume/energy consumption, created based on data from
Handbook of Energy & Economics Statistics (FY2018). For CO2 emissions, created based on data from the National Institute for Environmental Studies, Greenhouse Gas Inventory Office of Japan (FY2018).
Comparison of the Tokaido Shinkansen and Airplanes (between Tokyo and Osaka)
*1 Calculation based on running performance of Series N700 Nozomi (Tokyo - Shin-Osaka) conducted by JR Central.
*2 Calculated by JR Central using ANA's "Annual Report 2011" B777-200 (Haneda - Itami/Kansai Airport) for reference.
Promoting organization
JR Central promotes initiatives for global environment preservation in the organization that with the President at the top, the Corporate Planning Division, which oversees management departments, and the General Technology Division, which oversees technology departments, are workingtogether to formulate policies for energy and resource conservation efforts and policies for technological development that contribute to reducing CO₂ emissions, while the Shinkansen and Conventional Lines Operations Division, the Chuo Shinkansen Promotion Division and the Business Promotion Division implement specific measures.
Initiatives for global environment preservation and the achievement of a carbon neutral society
Of the CO₂ emitted by JR Central, approximately 95% is indirectly emitted when the electricity we purchase is generated, while the remaining 5% is directly emitted through our use of fuels, etc. Regarding our 5% direct emissions, we will carry out research and work to develop technologies for the electrification of rolling stock. As for the remaining 95% indirect emissions, not only will the Japanese power generation sector shift towards producing carbon neutral electricity, JR Central will aggressively strive to reduce CO₂ emissions by adopting new technologies, such as lowering power consumption in rolling stocks and facilities as well as considering the use of renewable energy.
In order to promote these initiatives throughout the company, the Corporate Planning Division and the General Technology Division disseminate information and provide guidance on the current situation regarding global environment preservation, and on the Company's policy and compliance.
Also, the Technology Research and Development Department of the General Technology Division has acquired ISO 14001 certification, the international standard for environmental management systems. In order to further refine the characteristics of railways that are superior in terms of global environment preservation, we are working on the development of energy-conserving technologies, etc.
In addition, we have endorsed the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB). We will understand the financial impact of the risks brought about by climate change, and promote information disclosure based on the TCFD recommendations.
Initiatives to reduce CO₂ emissions
Trial introduction of electric automatic track cycles
For our conventional lines, we have been developing electrification technologies to electrify automatic track cycles that are used to inspect the safety of railway track facilities, and we began performance trials on the Kisei Line in July 2021.
Whereas conventional track cycles run on gasoline engines, the electric automatic track cycles are motor-driven, powered by electricity from batteries. Therefore, they do not discharge emission gas and thus reduce CO₂ emissions. Furthermore, a regenerative braking system that generates power during braking enables efficient use of energy. By recycling batteries of electric vehicles made in Japan into batteries, resources are also used efficiently.
Electric automatic track cycle
Environmental Action Guidelines
JR Central has established a set of Environmental Action Guidelines consisting of the following seven items as part of its engagement in global environment preservation.
- [1]Provide comfortable transportation services to promote further use of railways, which offer superior global environment preservation
- [2]Promote technological development that contributes to global environment preservation
- [3]Use fuel and energy efficiently
- [4]Promote waste control and recycling
- [5]Appropriately manage chemical substances
- [6]Procure environmentally friendly goods and materials
- [7]Contribute to society and raise awareness for global environment preservation
Initiatives in energy-saving
Introducing energy-saving rolling stock (Shinkansen)
We are actively developing and introducing energy-saving rolling stock in an effort to further reduce the Shinkansen's energy consumption. To replace the Series 300 and the Series 700, we have introduced a total of 80 Series N700 trainsets since FY2007, and 51 N700A trainsets since FY2012. Furthermore, we have been introducing the N700S since FY2020 to replace the Series N700, with a plan to introduce 40 trainsets by FY2023.
When operating between Tokyo and Shin-Osaka at a maximum speed of 285 km/h, the N700S consumes 28% less energy than the Series 300 when running at a maximum speed of 270 km/h, thanks to its silicon carbide semiconductor drive system, lighter car body, reduced air resistance, and other features. It also consumes 6% less energy than the N700A type* when running at a maximum speed of 285 km/h. This means that the N700S is not only faster but also much more energy-efficient. As a result, the energy consumption unit as of the end of FY2020 decreased by approximately 32% from what it was in FY1990.
* Generic name of N700A and the Series N700 (enhanced version)
Comparison of Electricity Consumption by Tokaido Shinkansen Rolling Stock Type
* Simulated run from Tokyo to Shin-Osaka at the maximum speed above
Shifts in the ratio of the Tokaido Shinkansen rolling stock and energy consumption per unit
Introducing energy-saving rolling stock (conventional lines)
JR Central has also been striving to reduce the energy consumption of rolling stock on conventional lines. We are promoting the introduction of rolling stock with better energy efficiency by introducing the Regenerative Braking System, higher efficiency power control conversion methods, lighter rolling stock, etc. to electric railcars, and will do the same for diesel railcars by introducing lighter rolling stock, high mileage diesel engines, etc. As a part of this effort, the Series 211 and the like will be renewed by a newly manufactured commuter train, the Series 315. We will further improve the energy efficiency of the Series 315 such as through the use of silicon carbide for the power converter, reducing electricity consumption by around 35% compared to the Series 211. From FY2021 to FY2025, we plan to manufacture and sequentially introduce 352 new cars.
Furthermore, we are preparing for the new production of a mass-production vehicle of the next-generation hybrid powered limited express Series HC85, which we will begin to use from FY2022, as a successor to the Series 85 diesel railcars currently used for our limited express trains “Hida,” etc. The Series HC85 is expected to achieve an approximately 30% reduction in diesel fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions and an approximately 40% reduction in NOx emissions in comparison to the Series 85 diesel railcars, by making use of the power stored in the batteries when accelerating and stopping.
Comparison of Electricity Consumption of Conventional Line Electric Cars
* Based on simulated test runs between Toyohashi and Ogaki, and Nagoya and Nakatsugawa at a maximum speed of 120km/h (rapid operation).
Comparison of Diesel Fuel Consumption of Conventional Diesel Cars (Series KiHa 85) and Hybrid Cars (Series HC85)
* Based on simulated test runs between Nagoya and Toyama at a maximum speed of 120km/h.
How the hybrid system works
Energy-saving by replacing ground facilities
Between FY2011 and FY2022, we have been replacing electricity compensation devices, which inhibit the voltage reduction of electric train lines when the load on Shinkansen substations becomes large. Since the new device experiences less electricity loss than the conventional facility, we expect to reduce electricity use on the Shinkansen by approximately 3%.
For the Tokaido Shinkansen, we have installed frequency converters that convert 50Hz electricity received from electric power companies, etc., into 60Hz electricity, which is necessary for Shinkansen operation, in the sections east of Fujikawa. Between FY2014 and FY2023, we have been switching some of these devices from rotation types to static types with less electricity loss. We will also replace two more frequency converters, which are rotation types, with static types between FY2021 and FY2027, since we have developed a technology that can respond to sudden changes in grounding and load. Due to these replacements of frequency converters, we expect to reduce electricity use on the Shinkansen by approximately 4%.
Energy-saving by replacing high-pressure mercury lamps with LED
JR Central has conventionally used high-pressure mercury lamps for lighting at stations, railroad crossings, and other railway facilities, but completed replacing them with LED by the end of 2020. As a result, we have cut our annual power consumption by 70% (down 20 million kWh) compared to the level prior to the replacement work.
Facility and workshop status
JR Gate Tower
As for the JR Gate Tower, whose construction was completed in February 2017, we worked on creating an energy-efficient environment within the entire building as well as reducing the environmental burden by introducing regional air-conditioning systems, adopting LED lighting, installing solar power generation panels, creating green areas in the 15th-floor rooftop garden and on roofs of low-rise buildings, etc. We not only achieved Rank S in environmental performance, which is the highest rank on the CASBEE (Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency) scale, but also reduced CO₂ emissions from the building by approximately 25% compared to standard model buildings, according to the CASBEE Nagoya 2010 standard.
General Education Center
At the General Education Center, which opened in September 2011, we aim to save energy by introducing an air conditioning system that uses ice thermal storage achieved by the utilization of nighttime electricity service as its heat source and LED lighting, etc. Furthermore, we designed the building to use natural energy effectively by improving its external insulation efficiency by arranging a rooftop garden and taking advantage of natural wind and light as much as possible. As a result, we were able to obtain Rank S, which is the highest assessment level under CASBEE.
SCMAGLEV and Railway Park
At the SCMAGLEV and Railway Park, which opened in March 2011, we introduced a solar energy generation system on the expansive roof. The system has a generation capacity of approximately 500 kW, or roughly 470,000 kWh annually, which can cover approximately 30% of the SCMAGLEV and Railway Park’s energy needs.
Hamamatsu Workshop
The Hamamatsu Workshop, which conducts general overhauls of Shinkansen rolling stock, completed its renovation construction in March 2019. In addition to introducing a solar power generation system with the capacity to generate approximately 300 kW or about 410,000 kWh annually on the rooftop of the workshop, we installed a highly efficient substation facility, boilers, and other equipment.
Nagoya Workshop
JR Central has been taking anti-earthquake measures and upgrading facilities since February 2014 in the Nagoya Workshop where general overhauls, etc., of conventional line rolling stock are conducted. We aim to reduce the electricity consumption of the entire workshop by approximately 20% by introducing high ceiling LED lighting and by replacing some transforming equipment with highly efficient models to meet the requirements of the Top Runner System*.
* Energy consumption efficiency target specified for specific equipment in the Act on Rational Use of Energy
Initiatives by group companies
JR Central Group companies are also implementing initiatives that contribute to global environment preservation.
JR Tokai Bus Company
Since 2011, JR Tokai Bus Company has been sequentially introducing vehicles with high performance engines that conform with the Post New Long-Term Emission Gas Regulations. Vehicles with these engines account for approximately 80% of all vehicles currently owned by the company, and have achieved an approximately 80% reduction in NOx included in emission gas compared to the level prior to the introduction. The company has also been promoting initiatives for further global environment preservation by sequentially introducing AMT (automated manual transmission) buses, which can improve mileage by more than 15% compared to MT (manual transmission) buses, since 2017.
AMT bus
JR Tokai Takashimaya Co., Ltd.
JR Nagoya Takashimaya has been switching to LED lighting and has completed the replacement of approximately 27,000 lights. As a result, almost all of the lights in the building have been changed to LED lighting. In the Takashimaya Gate Tower Mall, air conditioning efficiency is improved by preventing the inflow of outside air and suppressing fluctuations in room temperature by limiting the number of doors that are always open in the passageway (colonnade), reducing the shutter opening time, and installing new doors in areas where outside air flows in.
Switching to LED lighting
More than 50% of the coffee beans used in the coffee sold on the Tokaido Shinkansen “Nozomi” and “Hikari” trains are grown on farms certified by the Rainforest Alliance. The Rainforest Alliance was established in 1987 as an international non-profit environmental protection organization, and their activities cover more than 60 countries. With the aim of improving the lives of farmers and achieving sustainable management of tropical rain forests, the Alliance gives certification to farms that meet the criteria for forest and river protection, pesticide restrictions, waste management, and the like. Through the procurement of certified coffee beans, we contribute to global environment preservation.
Onboard service
Cooperation with external entities
Environmental Partnership Organizing Club (EPOC)
EPOC is a group that was established in 2000 mainly by the industry sector in the Chubu region, with the aim of building a sustainable economy and society by leveraging the environmental achievements of companies.
Its activities include disseminating environmental activities and information to society through collaboration among companies beyond the boundaries of industry, and cooperation with government, academia, and a wide range of local entities. (For more information, see the EPOC website.)
We joined EPOC in FY2002 and are currently involved in the operation of the organization as a core company. We will continue to contribute to global environment preservation through EPOC in cooperation with member companies, etc.
EPOC’s general meeting
Initiatives in compliance and the achievement of a recycling society
JR Central ensures compliance with various environmental laws and regulations, while striving to appropriately manage chemical substances and reduce waste. We also promote the effective use of resources to reduce environmental impact through the 3Rs initiative (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle), etc.
Reducing food loss
Cooperation with startups
We introduced No Food Loss, an app provided by Minatoku Co., Ltd. to reduce food loss, in some stores of group companies in an effort to reduce the loss of food, such as ekiben (lunch boxes sold at railway stations), bread and cake sold at the stores. In addition, by installing “food loss reduction boxes,” which are being installed by Nestlé Japan Ltd. and Minatoku Co., Ltd., in the bus terminal within the JR Gate Tower, we strive to reduce waste of snack foods, etc. that have passed their delivery date and may be discarded.
Food loss reduction box
Donating stockpile food to an NPO
From among our stockpile of food and drinking water kept at each workshop in preparation for a large-scale disaster, we donated our head office’s stockpile food that was approaching its expiration date to a certified NPO engaged in the food bank business, with the aim of contributing to local communities and reducing food loss.
Management of chemical substances and waste
As part of our efforts to preserve the global environment, we conduct an annual compliance survey of all workplaces in order to ensure compliance with various environmental laws and regulations, and carry out appropriate management of chemical substances, etc. We also conduct internal audits to check compliance at each workplace, and provide feedback on the results to the workplace to ensure thorough compliance.
Furthermore, while we had been using oil-based paint containing volatile organic compounds (VOC) for full body painting of trains on the Shinkansen and conventional lines, we introduced the country’s first water-based paint coating robot for the Shinkansen in our Hamamatsu Workshop in FY2016, enabling environmentally friendly water-based painting. We also introduced the country's first water-based paint coating robot for trains on conventional lines in the Nagoya Workshop in March 2020, enabling water-based painting of some bodies
Train body painting
Management of chemical substances
Based on the PRTR system*1 under the Act on Confirmation, etc. of Release Amounts of Specific Chemical Substances in the Environment and Promotion of Improvements to the Management Thereof (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Law), we report the amount of emissions and transfer of relevant substances and manage those substances appropriately.
Measures against soil contamination
We submit a report to the relevant organizations should any substances exceeding the standard value set be detected in soil surveys conducted at the time of landform changes or land sales, and will take appropriate measures as instructed by laws and regulations and the administrative authorities.
Measures against water contamination
Some of our offices use vehicle washing equipment that falls under the category of specified facilities under the Water Pollution Control Act. We are working to prevent water pollution by installing devices to treat wastewater generated by cleaning and by regularly measuring the pollution status of such wastewater.
Wastewater treatment device
Measures against air pollution
Our measure to prevent air pollution in regard to boilers, which are soot and smoke emitting facilities*2, include introducing burners that reduce the generation of NOx, introducing devices that adopt an exhaust gas recirculation system that reduces the generation of NOx by recirculating combustion exhaust gas, and regularly measuring and recording the amount and concentration of soot and smoke.
Furthermore, in accordance with the Act on Rational Use and Appropriate Management of Fluorocarbons (Fluorocarbons Recovery and Destruction Act), we manage class-1 specified equipment properly by inspecting and keeping records on it.
*1 A system whereby business operators identify the amount of chemical substances, which may be harmful to human health or the ecosystem, that were either released from their business sites into the environment (air, water and soil) or were transferred outside of business sites as part of waste, and report them to the national government. The government then tabulates and discloses the amounts released and transferred, based on such reported data and estimates.
*2 Soot and smoke emitting facilities refer to facilities installed in workplaces that generate and emit soot and smoke and that can cause air pollution through such soot and smoke.
Reducing waste
The aluminum from scrapped Shinkansen rolling stock is recycled into interior materials and interior parts of the N700S. For example, recycled aluminum from scrapped Series 700 Shinkansen rolling stock was used to create the concourse, pillars, ceilings, and other parts of the Tokyo Gift Palette, a commercial facility at the Yaesu North Exit. We also provide recycled aluminum from Shinkansen rolling stock as store interior materials to The Body Shop, a U.K. cosmetics brand (awarded the 2021 Good Design Award). Using recycled aluminum from Shinkansen rolling stock reduces environmental impact compared to when producing new aluminum, since it can reduce CO2 emissions by 97% as it eliminates the use of energy for production.
Furthermore, we aim to reduce the generation of waste during construction, utilize rainwater, and recycle train tickets and station staff uniforms, etc.
Reuse of aluminum used in a train body
Sustainable public procurement
JR Central implements a green procurement policy, prioritizing the procurement of environmentally friendly materials. To this end, we established the JR Central Green Procurement Guidelines to enhance coordination with our business partners and work with them to contribute towards global environment preservation.
Environment-related data
Activity Status for FY2020 and Environmental Accounting
The investments, costs, and their principal effect involved in environment preservation activities during FY2020 are estimated as listed below.
Environmental accounting
[Approach to environment preservation cost]
● Compilation is applicable only to JR Central.
● The applicable period is April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021.
● "Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005", a publication of the Ministry of the Environment, was consulted with regard to aspects of style.
● Depreciation is not included in the calculations for expenditures.
● In the event of multiple-purpose expenditures, the full amount with greater environment preservation effect is included in the calculation.
Environmental load in business activities
The main resources and energy utilized as well as waste generated during JR Central’s business activities during the year FY2020 are as shown below
CO2 emissions
Power consumption
Carbon intensity
* Carbon intensity rose in FY2020 as operating revenues (non-consolidated) decreased significantly due to the impact of COVID-19.